Neo Earth

Monday, June 6, 2011


Hello everyone! Thursday's class was simple! We did a cell lab which was really really fun because we saw the different types of cells, not just that but we also learned how cells work and the different types of cells!

Now let's take a look on the actual microscope that we were using in class!

As you can see, there are many parts on the microscope, but they forgot to label the switch whitch is down at the bottom kind of below the light source!

Now let's talk about the cells!

There are many different types of cells that we were exploring in class! There are plant cells, animal cells and many more! The ones that we were exploring in class were these two, but it was still fun to learn about them! Here is a picture of a plant cell and animal cell that might help you! It's also labeled!


Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Reflection Post

1. I think I've improved: my writting, putting the captions for pictures, by using more links, and by sometimes even putting videos.

2. Blogs can be very useful because they can provide new information, they can keep you up-to-date, they can be useful for videos/links, you can check if you have missed anything in class...

3. A blog can also be used for a personal online diary.

4. Blogging has helped my overall writing because most of the time it does not have spell-check, so it forces me to read over the material and I can see the mistakes I've maken, it can also help you writing because of other people's comments (in case you've misspelt a word, then they can correct you)...

5. Blogging has helped my commenting to others about their writing because, it helped me look for mistakes in their writing, and I could then easily help/correct them.

6. The most important thing I learned about blogging, except for all of the information, is that it helps a lot with grammar, punctuation...and it helped me to learn how to revise my work, as well as others.

Tuesday, May 30th's Class

Hello Everyone!!!

On Tuesday, everything started out with every student saying what was most creative in their Cell Project, and why they used it. These were later handed to Ms.D for grading. Also, there were many things that were due on Tuesday. First, we had to do the last blog comment of the year. Then, there was also a Reflection Post that was due. Here are the directions to the past homework. Later, we discussed the many things that will be happening this week. First, there will be a Cell and Microscope Quiz Friday for all of the seventh graders. Remember, this is the last big grade of the quarter (along with blogging), so study hard!! The picture above shows a plant cell with all its parts, so it might help to study! Here is a fun link that helps you review the different parts of a cell! Basically, what we have to study is the following:

  • The different Organelles of a Plant and Animal cell

  • Microscope Parts- Here are my notes for the Microscope parts:

  • Magnifies small objects so humans can see them better.

  • Types of microscopes- simple, compound, electron and light.

  • Simple- only 1 lens to magnify objects,

  • Compound- 2 or more lenses used to magnify,

  • Light- magnifies as far back as cells! Refracting light.

  • Electron- magnify from electron level, amazing resolution.

  • SER (scanning electron microscope)- outer of organisms,

  • TEM (tunneling electron microscope)- inside of organisms.

This is a picture of an Animal Cell!

Here is a Video that might help you revise for cells!!

We also have to study the organization of everything. Here it is!

Strings(?)- quarks (6)- protons, electrons, and neutrons- atoms- molecules- elements- compunds or mixtures- DNA (Deoxy-Ribonucleic Acid)- cells- tissues- organs- systems- organisms- species- Genus- Family- Order- class- Phyllum- kindoms(6)- Biomes- Planets- galaxies- cluster of galaxies- Universe- ?

Basically, it is how everything in the universe is classified, from smallest to greatest. The question mark on the string is because scientists are not sure if there actually are the strings. Also, the one after the Universe is because no one knows if there is something bigger yet.
Later in the class, we started talking about our Cell Lab. Ms.D gave us the worksheets and we continued started working. The partners were the same we had had for our practice Lab, or numbers 7 on our appointment clock.

Here are some pictures of the people that worked together!

Courtney (and me)!

Tamara and Ghazaleh!

Karin and Maria Chiara!

Eric and Dave!

Valentina and Emilija!

Finally, our homework is to STUDY!!!!!!! Study as hard as you can, because, as I already said, the test will be the last final grade of the quarter!!

Here is a link to Moodle!

I hope you all enjoyed my post!!!

Oh, and I almost forgot.....The next scribe is........amazing, humongous final drum roll of the year..... JAKUB!!!